Terry Furchgott - New Paintings

Furchgott’s paintings combine the beauty of early spring, summer, and fall flowers with patterned fabric, ceramic vases and Rococo porcelain figurines to create charmingly intimate compositions full of vibrant color and complex rhythms. Placing the strong positive and negative shapes of flattened forms side by side with passages of carefully rendered volumetric illusion, Furchgott playfully manipulates the viewer's sense of continuous space.

In her intimate figurative works Furchgott continues to explore elements of the Feminine, and the nature of human relationships with friends, with family, and with personal space. Each piece is carefully conceived and constructed to balance the more obvious narrative element with an equally strong abstract structure of simplified dark and light shapes, and an overall rhythm alternating lively patterns with flat color.

Click here to see other available works by Terry Furchgott